
cfs clean urbanism.jpg.jpgLa interesante revista independiente de urbanismo MONU tiene abierto un call for submitions en el tema de urbanismo limpio para su próximo número que saldrá en verano, el deadline es para finales de mayo, y está abierta textos, proyectos, analisis cientí­ficos con el tema del Urbanismo Limpio.

Te pongo el call completo después del sigue leyendo.



We invite serious scientific data-based analyses, critical essays, fearless projects, auda-

cious art projects, and brave photography on the topic of “Clean Urbanism” for our next issue of

MONU. The scope cannot be wide enough. Ideas and abstracts should be sent to info@monu-magazine.

com by the end of May 2009. MONU #11 will be published in the summer of 2009. www.monu-magazine.com

When it comes to Clean Urbanism – i.e. an urbanism that is dedicated to minimizing both the

required inputs for a city of energy, wa- ter, and food as well as its waste output of

heat, air pollution as CO2, methan, and water pollution – a lot of propos-

als have been made recently for the building of so-called “eco-cities” that

produce their own energy from the wind, the sun, bio-fuel, or recycled

waste. But it has often been de- nied that such sources of energy, be-

ing integrated directly into cit- ies, are highly inefficient, very ex-

pensive, and in the case of wind energy, very noisy. Nevertheless,

wind turbines in an urban realm, for example, nowadays feature in al-

most every urban competition en- try that requires sustainable energy

concepts. Solar panels on rooftops have become state of the art on innu-

merable new building designs, how- ever inefficient and expensive they are.

The question is: how might we achieve a Clean Urbanism

that is socially, eco- nomically, and politically,

but also environmen- tally correct? In the final

analysis, what kind of soap or detergent do we

need to achieve true Clean Urbanism? How can we

achieve a Clean Ur- banism that does not only

look clean, but re- ally is clean? How can

the know-how that has been sucessfully ac-

quired on the archi- tectural level over the

last 2 decades, be transferred and applied

to the urban level? How could cities be or-

ganized, orientated in a more intelligent way

to achieve Clean Urban- ism? How might

Clean Urbanism become more than

just a lable to brand a city?

How could we smarten- up exist-

ing cities and trans- form them

into clean cities? How does clean

architecture dif- fer from

clean urban- ism? What

does cleaniless actually

mean on an ur- ban scale?

How can Clean Urbanism be

affordable for everybody

and become a global con-

cept not only for the upper class-

es? How could we ultimately save our planet

by chang- ing our cities with Clean Urbanism?

This is- sue of MONU is meant to initiate an advanced dis-

cussion and stimulate new and fresh ideas surrounding those abovementioned

questions to discover and increase our understanding of how Clean Urbanism could actu-

ally work. How can Clean Urbanism become more than just adding greenery onto buildings? How might

we zoom out and acquire a global view on Clean Urbanism without getting lost in useless details?


We invite serious scientific data-based analyses, critical essays, fearless projects, auda-

cious art projects, and brave photography on the topic of “Clean Urbanism” for our next issue of

MONU. The scope cannot be wide enough. Ideas and abstracts should be sent to info@monu-magazine.

com by the end of May 2009. MONU #11 will be published in the summer of 2009. www.monu-magazine.com