Premio Mies van der Rohe a David Chipperfield y el Neues Museum de Berlin.

201104111710.jpg La remodelación del Museo Berlinés «Neues Museum» del arquitecto David Chipperfield ha sido el seleccionado por el jurado del premio Mies van der Rohe de Arquitectura Europea.

David Chipperfield, Director de David Chipperfield Architects, ha afirmado: “La reconstrucción del Neues Museum es un testimonio del proceso de colaboración emprendido en medio de un clima muy exigente por parte de la opinión pública. El resultado no solo es una prueba de los esfuerzos del equipo de profesionales, sino también del compromiso del cliente y las autoridades municipales para involucrarse en este proceso riguroso y estructurado”.

Mohsen Mostafavi, Presidente del jurado, declaró que «La reconstrucción del Neues Museum es un hito extraordinario. Pocas veces un arquitecto y un cliente han conseguido realizar una tarea de tanta relevancia histórica y tan compleja; especialmente, al implicar conservación y nueva construcción. El proyecto plantea y aborda varios aspectos estéticos, éticos y técnicos. Es una demostración ejemplar de lo que puede conseguir la colaboración en el contexto de la práctica arquitectónica europea contemporánea».

Mira los comentarios del propio Chipperfield después del sigue leyendo.

Los miembros del jurado que seleccionó a los finalistas de 2011 son: Mohsen Mostafavi, Presidente del jurado / Decano, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge (EE.UU.); Ole Bouman, Director Nederlands Architectuurinstituut, Rotterdam; Yvonne Farrell, Grafton Architects, Dublín; Annette Gigon, Gigon/Guyer, Zurich; Anne Lacaton, Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, París; Tarald Lundevall, SNØHETTA, Oslo; Pei Zhu, Studio Pei-Zhu, Beijing, y Lluís Hortet, Secretario del jurado / Director de la Fundación Mies van der Rohe.

Office / Architect
David Chipperfield Architects / David Chipperfield
Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH, Berlin , Lubic & Woehrlin GmbH, Berlin , Kardorff Ingenieure Lichtplanung, Berlin , Ingenieurbüro Axel C. Rahn GmbH, Berlin , Kunst und Museumsschutz Beratungs- und Planungs- GmbH , Kunst und Museumsschutz Beratungs- und Planungs- GmbH, Berlin , Jaeger, Mornhinweg+Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft, Stuttgart , Ingenieurgruppe Bauen, Karlsruhe, Berlin , architetto Michele de Lucchi S.r.L., Milan , Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin , Pro Denkmal GmbH, Berlin, Bamberg , Christiane Abel, Philipp Auer, Arnaud Bauman, Renato Benedetti, Thomas Benk, Johannes Bennke, Franz Borh, Nathalie Bredella, Daniela Bruns, Katja Buchholz, Janna Bunje, Jan Coghlan, Eamon Cushanan, Nils Dallmann, Florian Dirschedl, Maryla Duleba, Adrian Dunham, Harald Eggers, Matthias Fiegl, Annette Flohrschütz, Jamie Fobert, An Fonteyne, Robin Foster, Michael Freytag, Anke Fritzsch, Nanna Fütterer, Katja Gursch, Julian Harrap, Isabelle Heide, Anne Hengst, Christoph Hesse, Mario Hohmann, Isabel Karig, Michael Kaune, Martin Kley, Regine Krause, Madeleine Lamber, Harvey Langston-Jones, Genevieve Lilley, Paul Ludwig, Martina Maire, Claudia Marx, Marcus Mathias, Werner Mayer-Biela, Patrick McInerney, Ian McKnight, Christiane Melzer, Virginie Mommens, Guy Morgan-Harris, Harald Müller, Rik Nys, Max Ott, Peter Pfeiffer, Martina Pongratz, Mark Randel, Martin Reichert, Robert Ritzmann, Mariska Rohde, Franziska Rusch, David Saik, Elke Saleina, Sonia Sandberger, Eva Schad, Antonia Schlegel, Gunnar Schmidt, Alexander Schwarz, Lukas Schwind, Jonathan Sergison, Haewon Shin, Steven Shorter, Zoka Skorup, Graham Smith, Doreen Souradny, Florian Steinbächer, Christian Stiller, Henning Stummel, Annika Thiel, Simon Timms, Barbara Witt, Sebastian Wolf, Giuseppe Zampieri, Mark Zogrotzski
Berlin / Germany
Prize Winner

The Neues Museum on Berlinís Museum Island was designed by Friedrich August Stüler and built between 1841 and 1859. Extensive bombing during the Second World War left the building in ruins, with entire sections missing completely and others severely damaged. Few attempts at repair were made after the war, and the structure was left exposed to nature. In 1997, David Chipperfield Architects ñ with Julian Harrap ñ won the international competition for the rebuilding of the Neues Museum.

The key aim of the project was to recomplete the original volume, and encompassed the repair and restoration of the parts that remained after the destruction of the Second World War. The original sequence of rooms was restored with new building sections that create continuity with the existing structure. The archaeological restoration followed the guidelines of the Charter of Venice, respecting the historical structure in its different states of preservation. All the gaps in the existing structure were filled in without competing with the existing structure in terms of brightness and surface. The restoration and repair of the existing is driven by the idea that the original structure should be emphasized in its spatial context and original materiality ñ the new reflects the lost without imitating it.

The new exhibition rooms are built of large format pre-fabricated concrete elements consisting of white cement mixed with Saxonian marble chips. Formed from the same concrete elements, the new main staircase repeats the original without replicating it, and sits within a majestic hall that is preserved only as a brick volume, devoid of its original ornamentation. Other new volumes ñ the Northwest wing, with the Egyptian courtyard and the Apollo risalit, the apse in the Greek courtyard, and the South Dome ñ are built of recycled handmade bricks, complementing the preserved sections. With the reinstatement and completion of the mostly preserved colonnade at the Eastern and Southern side of the Neues Museum, the pre-war urban situation is re-established to the East. A new building, the James Simon Gallery, will be constructed between the Neues Museum and the Spree, echoing the urban situation of the site pre-1938.

The energy-efficient shell renovation focussed on the thermal insulation of roof surfaces and exterior components touching the ground and a modification of all exterior windows. Due to the sufficient wall thickness, the exterior walls required no additional thermal insulation. The building falls below the German Energy Saving Regulation 2003 by 20%. Energy requirements are minimized by a seasonally variable exhibition climate, reducing cooling loads in summer and heating loads in winter. All air-conditioning units are operated with heat recovery systems. The recooling plant is a hybrid cooler. In order to reduce the energy consumption for the illumination of the exhibition, the museum is (as far as possible) operated as a ëdaylight museumí.

In October 2009, the Neues Museum, with its gross floor area of 20,500 sqm, reopened to the public as the third restored building on Museum Island, exhibiting the collections of the Egyptian Museum and the Museum of Pre- and Early History.

East façade ©Ute Zscharnt for David Chipperfield Architects

Staircase Hall ©Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Joerg von Bruchhausen

Greek Courtyard ©Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Christian Richters

Staircase Hall ©Ute Zscharnt for David Chipperfield Architects

Egyptian Courtyard, Platform on level 2 ©Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Christian Richters

Room of the Niobids, View into the North Dome Room ©Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Ute Zscharnt

Floor plan level 1 ©David Chipperfield Architects

Section through the Egyptian and the Greek Courtyard ©David Chipperfield Architects

Escalera del Hall ©Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Joerg von Bruchhausen
©Ute Zscharnt para David Chipperfield Architects.
©Ute Zscharnt para David Chipperfield Architects.
©Ute Zscharnt para David Chipperfield Architects.
Fachada Este. ©Ute Zscharnt para David Chipperfield Architects.
Patio Griego. ©Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Christian Richters.
Patio Egipcio, plataforma sobre nivel 2. Escalera del Hall ©tiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Christian Richters
Sala de los Nióbides, Vista en la Sala de la cúpula Norte. ©Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz / DCA, photographer: Ute Zscharnt
Sección a través de los patios egipcio y griego. ©David Chipperfield Architects.
Planta nivel 1. ©David Chipperfield Architects.

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