Joseph Grima, director de Ideas City

El curator y critico Joseph Grima ha sido anunciado como el curator de la edición 2015 de Ideas city, el festival del New Museum de Nueva York, que mediante conferencias, workshops, comisiones,proyectos y exposiciones explora el futuro de las ciudades como material creativo.


El antiguo director de la revista DOMUS y co curator de las bienales de Estambúl (2012) y Chicago (2015) ha decidido el tema “Invisible Cities” y dice que:

«It’s an honor to take the helm of IDEAS CITY, an initiative that I have admired for its ability to mobilize entire cities to rethink the value of art and culture in the urban realm. Culture itself is a form of social innovation, and the IDEAS CITY platform is poised to deliberate, instigate, and ask questions about the future needs of our cities. At its inception, IDEAS CITY proposed a new and innovative model for investigating the role of culture in city-making, and we will continue to develop new approaches to address the extraordinary opportunities and challenges facing cities in the twenty-first century.»