MoMA PS1 [Finalistas]


Los Finalistas del concurso anual para la intervención de verano de arquitectos jóvenes en el MoMA PS1 son:

Andres Jaque / Office for Political Innovation [New York/ Madrid]

brillhart architecture [Miami].

Erin Besler  [Los Angeles].

The Bittertang Farm  [New York].

Studio Benjamin Dillenburger  [Toronto].



El jurado.

Glenn Lowry, Director, The Museum of Modern Art, Kathy Halbreich, Associate Director, The Museum of Modern Art, Peter Reed, Senior Deputy Director, Curatorial Affairs, The Museum of Modern Art, Barry Bergdoll, Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, The Museum of Modern Art, Pedro Gadanho, Curator, Department of Architecture and Design, The Museum of Modern Art, Klaus Biesenbach, Director, MoMA PS1 and Chief Curator at Large, The Museum of Modern Art, Peter Eleey, Curator, MoMA PS1 Pippo Ciorra, Senior Curator, MAXXI Architecturra, National Museum of XXI Century Arts (MAXXI), Rome, Jeannette Plaut, Director, YAP CONSTRUCTO, and Marcelo Sarovic, Director, YAP CONSTRUCTO.

Enhorabuena Andres!