And the Guggenheim goes to… Moreau Kusunoki Architectes

La oficina parisina Moreau Kusunoki, ha sido finalmente la ganadora del concurso para el museo Guggenheim de Helsinki, liderada por Nicolas Moreau y Hiroko Kusonoki, (francés y japonesa) la propuesta basada en pabellones interconectados de madera negra, ha sido la vencedora por decisión unánime.

El jurado ha destacado la versatilidad de la planta organizada en base a pabellones conectados con diversas orientaciones y relaciones con la ciudad, unidos por una torre que otorga una vision.

The scheme proposed a collection of linked pavilions, each orientated to respect the city grid, and anchored by a lookout tower. The building would cohere around a covered street landscape that expanded and contracted according to its interaction with the discrete pavilions and is animated by different activities. The Jury found the design deeply respectful of the site and setting, creating a fragmented, non-hierarchical, horizontal campus of linked pavilions where art and society could meet and inter-mingle. The connections between the pavilions have been well considered to permit a continuous gallery experience, if required.

The waterfront, park, and city each had a dialogue with the building yet the forms and materials were distinctive and contemporary, without being iconic. The drawings were imbued with a sense of community and animation that matched the ambitions of the brief to honour both the people of Finland, and the creation of the museum of the future.

It was recognized that further work would be needed to resolve vertical circulation, use of the main terrace, and the construction of the roof, but these issues were considered to be a normal part of design development, and the Jury had confidence in the strength of the design concept. The concept is extremely flexible and is designed to embrace evolving urban, museum, and technological requirements.

Después de haber trabajado para Shigeru Ban, Sanaa y Kengo Kuma, ambos se mudan de tokio a paris para abrir la sede de kengo kuma en 2008, tres años después en 2011 establecen la joven oficina en la misma Paris.

Notable projects undertaken by Moreau Kusunoki Architectes include the Théâtre de Beauvaisis in Beauvais, the House of Cultures and Memories in Cayenne, the Polytechnic School of Engineering in Bourget-du-Lac, and the plaza for the Paris District Court (designed by Renzo Piano) at the Porte de Clichy.


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