Por cuarta ocasion, la empresa Italcementi, otorga el premio ArchVision de arquitectura femenina.
La norteamericana Jennifer Siegal ha sido la ganadora, por su trabajo en la creacion de estrucutra moviles, removibles y reposicionables desde su estudio «Office of Mobile Design»
El premio consiste en un proyecto de investigación y un workshop que realizan en el centro de innovación de Italcementi. Además de una suma en efectivo.
el jurado compuesto por Shaikha Al Maskari (miembro del board of the Arab International Women’s Forum-AIWF), Vera Baboun (Alcaldesa de Belén), Odile Decq ( Odile Decq architecture ), Yvonne Farrell (co-fundadora de Grafton Architects), Daniela Hamaui (periodista), Louisa Hutton (co-foundadora de Sauerbruch Hutton architectur), Suhasini Mani Ratnam (Actriz, productora y Escritora), Samia Nkrumah (Presidenta de Kwame Nkrumah Pan-African Center), Benedetta Tagliabue (Miralles Tagliabue EMBT architecture), Martha Thorne (Directora del Pritzker Prize), también decidió otorgar 3 menciones honoríficas a Pat Hanson (Canada), Elisa Valero Ramos (España) y Cazú Zegers (Chile).
Clarity in building, deep refinement of material qualities and a touch of dramatic impact on the urban landscape make Pat Hanson‘s work interesting and original. The idea that architecture must move beyond mere functional response to true needs drives the work of Pat Hanson, one of the most dynamic designers from the new Canadian school. With her studio, gh3, Hanson explores the continuous intersecting between architecture, landscape, and sustainability, with a belief that the design practice must go beyond its conventional expressive limits. Among the features of her work is the ability to tackle small-sized projects, many of which are defined by their constructive aspects, in the materials and in the relationship with sensory perception. Her floating studio for a photographer at Stoney Lake (2009), for example, is a glassy box suspended over the water that redefines the archetypical modern house in glass and steel, incorporating the Canadian landscape.
Elisa Valero Ramos has a solid academic education and designs contemporary architectures that establish a constant dialogue with their surroundings: many of her projects focus on children and create a setting for their many needs and activities. The not-so-obvious idea that architecture can be a means for responding to profound needs substantiates the complex work of Elisa Valero Ramos, providing an all-embracing criterion for interpreting her many projects. The Spanish architect has been working over the last decade mainly on two major conceptual and operational themes. The first is the pursuit of a low-cost construction system for the creation of buildings with near-zero energy consumption, research that has led to the conception and development of the double-shelled Elesdopa construction system, a system of high technical and economic efficiency. The second theme developed is largely typological and concerns the creation of spaces designed especially for children. The construction of a multifunctional space for the Cerrillo de Maracena School in Granada (2014) was an opportunity to apply both themes.
The projects of Cazú Zegers show a clear ability in the creation of a strong sense of place in architecture, by using natural materials and through unusual formal research. Even amidst the contemporary word of architecture, in which the culture of a new international style permeates an ever-greater number of buildings, Cazú Zegers directs her research and design activity toward the primary objective of writing in an architectural language that can primarily represent Chile and then all of South America. Starting from her use of vernacular elements and low-tech building solutions, Zegers develops projects of great expressive impact. The hotel on the shores of Lake Sarmiento (2011) makes use of many elements that she often repeats in architecture, such as its integration in the landscape and the use of exposed wood and organic forms, making it appear like a great prehistoric fossil washed up on the shore.
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