Jurado de la Biennale 2016




Se ha hecho público el jurado que otorgará junto con Alejandro Aravena el Leon de oro, en sus dos categorías  (pabellón nacional y expositor internacional) y el leon de plata al arquitecto joven promesa.

El jurado será


  • Pippo Ciorra (Italy), architect, critic and professor at Scuola di Ateneo di Architettura e Design di Ascoli Piceno (University of Camerino) and Venice’s IUAV. He has been a curator of exhibitions both in Italy and abroad. Since 2009, he is Senior Curator for architecture at the MAXXI in Rome
  • Sergio Fajardo (Colombia), professor of mathematics at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, former mayor of Medellín and governor of the department of Antioquia, recipient of the Americas Award for Excellence in Public Service in 2007
  • Marisa Moreira Salles (Brazil), publisher, editor, book designer and entrepreneur in the field of technology, founder of Arq.Futuro, a think-tank on architecture and the future of cities
  • Hashim Sarkis (Lebanon, USA), Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT, architect at Hashim Sarkis Studios, former Khan Professor of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD)
  • Karen Stein (USA), architectural advisor, Executive Director of the George Nelson Foundation, and faculty member of the Design Criticism program at the School of Visual Arts in New York