ANNA PUIGJANER ganadora del Wheelwright


el jurado de la edición 2016 del premio Wheelwright: Eva Franch, Jeannie Kim, Kiel Moe, Rafael Moneo, Ben Prosy, K. Michael Hays, Mohsen Mostafavi.

Ha decidido otorgar el premio/beca de investigación-viaje a Anna Puigjaner, con su propuesta Kitchenless City: Architectural Systems for Social Welfare. Entre las 200 propuestas presentadas, se hizo una selección de 4 finalistas y una presentación
El premio establecido en 1935 en memoria de Arthur W. Wheelwright, un estudiante de la generación 1887. Dotado de 100,000 está concebido como una ayuda para viajar.

te dejo con las presentaciones de los finalisas



Puigjaner’s winning proposal, Kitchenless City: Architectural Systems for Social Welfare, takes as its starting point a historic housing type—housing blocks with collective kitchens, as well as other shared amenities such as dining rooms, lounges, service areas. Puigjaner proposes to study exemplars of collective housing in Brazil, Sweden, Russia, Korea, and elsewhere, which reflect a variety of approaches to organizing and distributing domestic spaces. Noting that this housing type and notion of collective life were “deeply understood as a tool for social transformation,” she sees its relevance to today’s housing dilemmas and possible lessons for “renewed domestic proposals for the present.”