Los Ganadores de la edición número 39, Premio Pritzker 2017 son Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta.
Por primera vez en la historia del premio, es otorgado a 3 personas, y por segunda ocasión el premio va a España.
Los tres arquitectos nativos de Olot, España, desde donde han estado trabajando en juntos desde 1998. Su trabajo demuestra un compromisoso al lugar y a su narrativa, creando espacios que estan en sintonía con su respectovo contexto. Harmonizando materialidad con transparencia Aranda, Pigem y Vilalta buscan las conexiones entre interior y exterior construyendo una arquitectura altamente emocional y experiencial.
“The jury has selected three architects who have been working collaboratively for nearly three decades. Mr. Aranda, Ms. Pigem and Mr. Vilalta have had an impact on the discipline far beyond their immediate area. Their works range from public and private spaces to cultural venues and educational institutions, and their ability to intensely relate the environment specific to each site is a testament to their process and deep integrity.” _ Mr. Pritzker
“El jurado ha seleccionado tres arquitectos que han trabajado colaborativamente por casi tres décadas, Aranda, Pigem y Vilalta han creado un impacto en la disciplina que vá más allá de su area inmediata. Su trabajo va del espacio púalico al privado, a espacios para la cultura e instituciones educativas, y su habilidad para relacionar intensamente el medioambiental especifico a cada localizacion es el testamento a su proceso y su profunda integridad” _ Mr. Pritzker
Siguiendo la estela de Rafael Moneo en 1996, por segunda ocasión el premio llega a España
“It is a great joy and a great responsibility. We are thrilled that this year three professionals, who work closely together in everything we do, are recognized.” _ Carme Pigem“Es una gran alegría y una gran responsabilidad. Estamos encantados que este año tres profesionales, que trabajamos cercanamente juntos en todo lo que hacemos, seamos reconocidos”_ Carme Pigem
El premio se otorgara en el palacio Akasaka de Tokyo Japan por el jurado en esta edición conformado por :
Glenn Murcutt (Presidente) Architect and Pritzker Laureate 2002 Sydney, Australia
Stephen Breyer U.S. Supreme Court Justice Washington, D C
Yung Ho Chang Architect and Educator Beijing, The People’s Republic of China
Kristin Feireiss Architecture Curator, Writer, and Editor Berlin, Germany
The Lord Palumbo Architectural patron, Chairman Emeritus of the Trustees, Serpentine Galleries Former Chairman of the Arts Council of Great BritainLondon, England
Richard Rogers Architect and Pritzker Laureate 2007 London, England
BenedettaTagliabue Architect and Educator Barcelona, Spain
Ratan N.Tata Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons, the holding company of the Tata Group Mumbai, India
Martha Thorne (Directora Ejecutiva) DeanIE School of Architecture & Design Madrid, Spain
“we live in a globalized world where we must rely on international influences, trade, discussion, transactions, etc. But more and more people fear that because of this international influence…we will lose our local values, our local art, and our local customs…Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta tell us that it may be possible to have both. They help us to see, in a most beautiful and poetic way, that the answer to the question is not ‘either/or’ and that we can, at least in architecture, aspire to have both; our roots firmly in place and our arms outstretched to the rest of the world.” _ Pritzker Jury 2017“Vivimos en un mundo globalizado donde la influencias internacinoales, comercio discusiones, transacciones, etc. Pero mas y mas gente teme que debido a la influencia internacional perdamos nuestros valores locales, arte y tradiciones… Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem y Ramon Vilalta nos dicen que es posible vivir con ambas. Nos ayudan a ver, de la manera mas hermosa y poetica, que la respuesta a la pregunta no es “uno o lo otro” y que podemos al menos en la arquitectura a aspirar a tener ambas, nuestras raises firmemente en su sitio y nuestros brazos estirados al resto del mundo.” _ Jurado del Premio Pritzker 2017
Evocando una universalidad desde la localidad, mediante su creativo y extensivo uso de materiales contemporáneos, que incluyen el acero y plástico. “Han demostrado que la unidad de un material puede derivar en una fuerza y una simplicidad increíble” Glenn Murcutt, Presidente del Jurado “La colaboración de estos tres arquitectos produce una arquitectura sin compromisos de un nivel poético, representando un trabajo atemporal que refleja un gran respeto por el pasado a la vez que proyecta claridad del presente y el futuro.”
Entre sus trabajos destacan
La Cuisine Art Center (Nègrepelisse, France, 2014),
Soulages Museum in collaboration with G. Trégouët (Rodez, France, 2014),
La Lira Theater Public Open Space in collaboration with J. Puigcorbé (Ripoll, Girona, Spain, 2011),
Les Cols restaurant marquee (Olot, Girona, Spain, 2011),
El Petit Comte Kindergarten in collaboration with J. Puigcorbé (Besalú, Girona, Spain, 2010),
Bell-Lloc Winery (Palamós, Girona, Spain, 2007), Sant Antoni – Joan Oliver Library,
Senior Citizen’s Center and Cándida Pérez Gardens (Barcelona, Spain, 2007),
Tossol-Basil Athletics Track (Olot, Girona, Spain, 2000).
Rafael Aranda (1961), Carme Pigem (1962) and Ramon Vilalta (1960) Terminaron sus estudios de arquitectura en la Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès, or ETSAV en 1987, y al año siguiente fundaron su estudio, RCR Arquitectes, en su ciudad nativa de Olot en la provincia de Girona en España
En 1988 ganaron el primer lugar del concurso para diseñar el faro en Punta Aldea, promovido por el ministerio de Fomento donde . Este premio les permitió explorar algunas de las ideas arquitectónicas que definirían su trabajo posterior, iformadas por el sitio y sus propias sensibilidades lo que les llevo a ganar una serie de concursos realizados principalmente en cataluña, recientemente han abierto sus fronteras más a otros países Europeos.
Han participado en exposiciones internacionales como el III Salon International de l’Architecture in Paris in 1990; la Venice Biennale of Architecture 2000, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014 y 2016; MoMA’s On-Site: New Architecture in Spain, New York, 2006; Global Ends at Toto Gallery MA in Tokyo, 2010; and RCR Arquitectes. Shared Creativity en Barcelona, 2015 y el museo ICO Madrid, 2016.
Tienen entre sus premios el National Award for Culture in Architecture 2005 granted by the Catalonian government; the French Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, 2008 and 2014; Honorary Fellows of the American Institute of Architecture, 2010; International Fellows of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 2012; and awardees of the Gold Medal by the French Académie d’Architecture, 2015.
Since 1989, Aranda, Pigem and Vilalta have served as consultant architects to the Natural Park in the Volcanic Zone of La Garrotxa They have taught urbanism, landscape architecture and design studio at ETSAV from 1989-2001, and individually served as critics for diploma project juries at ETSAV and Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona throughout the past two decades In 2012, they established an international summer workshop at their studio based in the Barberí Laboratory
Su trabajo ha sido publicado en las principales publicaciones periódicas El Croquis, a+u, Casabella, Detail, Bauwelt, Arquitectura Viva, y el libro RCR Aranda Pigem Vilalta Arquitectes Entre la abstracción y la naturaleza, de william JR Curtis publicado por Gustavo Gili (2004).
En 2013 establecieron la fundación RCR BUNKA para apoyar la arquitectura, el paisajista el arte y la cultura en la sociedad.

El Petit Comte Kindergarten 2010
Les Cols Restaurant Marquee 2011 Olot, Girona, Spain
Barberí Laboratory 2008
Olot, Girona, Spain
Barberí Laboratory 2008

Sant Antoni – Joan Oliver Library, Senior Citizens Center and Cándida Pérez Gardens 2007 Barcelona, Spain
Photos by Hisao Suzuki
El acta del jurado completa:
Jury Citation
Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta, three architects who have worked closely together for almost 30 years in a deliberate and thoughtful approach to architecture are recognized with
the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize Their works admirably and poetically ful ll the traditional requirements of architecture for physical and spatial beauty along with function and craftsmanship, but what sets them apart is their approach that creates buildings and places that are both local and universal at the same time They established their of ce, called RCR for their three rst names, in Olot, their hometown in the Catalonian region in the northeast of Spain, resisting the call of the metropolis in favor of remaining closely connected to their roots The process they have developed is a true collaboration in which neither a part nor whole of a project can be attributed to one partner Their creative approach is a constant intermingling of ideas and continuous dialogue
All their works have a strong sense of place and are powerfully connected to the surrounding landscape This connection comes from understanding – history, the natural topography, customs and cultures, among other things – and observing and experiencing light, shade, colors and the seasons The siting of buildings, the choice of materials and the geometries used are always intended to highlight the natural conditions and pull them into the building The Bell-Lloc Winery (2007), in the town of Palamós, near Girona, Spain, for example, a building embedded in the ground, is about the soil that produces the grapes, the cool dark cellars needed for the aging of wine and the color and weight of the earth The extensive use of recycled steel fuses the building with the earth and the openings between the steel slats allow in hints of light
The marquee (2011) creating an outdoor dining and event space at Les Cols Restaurant in Olot is another example of the fusion of landscape and minimal modern materials to create a useful and popular venue Some have said that they are reminded of places for countryside meals with family and friends The space ts into a valley carved out in the landscape by the architects Strong walls of volcanic stone support a light weight and transparent polymer roof to protect against rain and sun The furniture and vertical hanging blinds that can sub-divide the space are also of clear plastic, which puts the emphasis on food, festivities and the natural setting
In other works, such as their own of ce (2007), a former foundry built at the beginning of the
20th century, the juxtaposition of past and present is undertaken in a most thoughtful, clear and respectful way Just as exterior and interior are closely intertwined in their works, so are new and old All of the original industrial building that could remain, was left “as is” By adding new elements only where needed and in contrasting materials, the architects demonstrate their love for both tradition and innovation The resulting building, which they call Barberí Laboratory, is comprised of varied, exible and highly functional spaces While Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta have a deep sense and knowledge of history, they use materials and modern construction to create spaces that could not have been created before
Community is another word that comes to mind when speaking of the work of Aranda, Pigem and Vilalta Both in the bright and colorful nursery school in Besalú, Girona, El Petit Comte Kindergarten (2010) and the Sant Antoni – Joan Oliver Library, Senior Citizens Center and Cándida Pérez Gardens in Barcelona (2007), those who will inhabit the buildings are at the forefront of their concerns It
is obvious when seeing the rainbow colors of the tubes that de ne the exterior of the school that this is for children’s enjoyment, creativity, and fantasy The library, a commission won through a competition, as are many of RCR’s projects, is situated within the fabric of an existing city block, is a needed amenity in this busy part of Barcelona Visitors are welcomed into the library The richness and variety of spaces invite exploration and are casual enough to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere The library also acts as a gateway to an interior courtyard The senior citizens center looks onto this space where children, library goers, neighbors and seniors can mingle.
The architects have also tackled important works outside their home in Catalonia They have built in Belgium and France The Soulages Museum (2014) in Rodez, France, for example, houses the works of the abstract painter Pierre Soulages and forms a symbiosis with the artist, who seems to paint with light This building of steel and strong geometric shapes cantilevers over the site, seeming to defy gravity and like many of their other works is in dialogue with the landscape The architects have sought to create “a space that is as close to nature as possible, enhancing our sense that we are part of it ”
In this day and age, there is an important question that people all over the world are asking, and it is not just about architecture; it is about law, politics, and government as well We live in a globalized world where we must rely on international in uences, trade, discussion, transactions, etc But more and more people fear that, because of this international in uence, we will lose our local values,
our local art, and our local customs They are concerned and sometimes frightened Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta tell us that it may be possible to have both They help us to see, in a most beautiful and poetic way, that the answer to the question is not ‘either/or’ and that we can, at least in architecture, aspire to have both; our roots rmly in place and our arms outstretched to the rest of the world And that is such a wonderfully reassuring answer, particularly if it applies in other areas of modern human life as well
Each building designed by these architects is special and is uncompromisingly of its time and place Their works are always the fruit of true collaboration and at the service of the community They understand that architecture and its surroundings are intimately intertwined and know that the choice of materials and the craft of building are powerful tools for creating lasting and meaningful spaces For these reasons, exempli ed in all their built work, and for their ability to express the
local, but also the universal, uniting us with one another through architecture, Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta are awarded the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize
Los Ganadores de la edición número 39, Premio Pritzker 2017 son Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta. Por primera vez en la historia del premio, es otorgado a 3 personas, y por segunda ocasión el premio va a España.
Los tres arquitectos nativos de Olot, España, desde donde han estado trabajando en juntos desde 1998. Su trabajo demuestra un compromisoso al lugar y a su narrativa, creando espacios que estan en sintonía con su respectovo contexto. Harmonizando materialidad con transparencia Aranda, Pigem y Vilalta buscan las conexiones entre interior y exterior construyendo una arquitectura altamente emocional y experiencial.
“The jury has selected three architects who have been working collaboratively for nearly three decades. Mr. Aranda, Ms. Pigem and Mr. Vilalta have had an impact on the discipline far beyond their immediate area. Their works range from public and private spaces to cultural venues and educational institutions, and their ability to intensely relate the environment specific to each site is a testament to their process and deep integrity.” _ Mr. Pritzker“El jurado ha seleccionado tres arquitectos que han trabajado colaborativamente por casi tres décadas, Aranda, Pigem y Vilalta han creado un impacto en la disciplina que vá más allá de su area inmediata. Su trabajo va del espacio púalico al privado, a espacios para la cultura e instituciones educativas, y su habilidad para relacionar intensamente el medioambiental especifico a cada localizacion es el testamento a su proceso y su profunda integridad” _ Mr. Pritzker
Siguiendo la estela de Rafael Moneo en 1996, por segunda ocasión el premio llega a España
“It is a great joy and a great responsibility. We are thrilled that this year three professionals, who work closely together in everything we do, are recognized.” _ Carme Pigem“Es una gran alegría y una gran responsabilidad. Estamos encantados que este año tres profesionales, que trabajamos cercanamente juntos en todo lo que hacemos, seamos reconocidos”_ Carme Pigem
El premio se otorgara en el platino Akasaka de Tokyo Japan por el jurado en esta edición conformado por :
Glenn Murcutt (Presidente) Architect and Pritzker Laureate 2002 Sydney, Australia Stephen Breyer U.S. Supreme Court Justice Washington, D C Yung Ho Chang Architect and Educator Beijing, The People’s Republic of China Kristin Feireiss Architecture Curator, Writer, and Editor Berlin, Germany The Lord Palumbo Architectural patron, Chairman Emeritus of the Trustees, Serpentine Galleries Former Chairman of the Arts Council of Great BritainLondon, England Richard Rogers Architect and Pritzker Laureate 2007 London, England BenedettaTagliabue Architect and Educator Barcelona, Spain Ratan N.Tata Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons, the holding company of the Tata Group Mumbai, India Martha Thorne (Directora Ejecutiva) DeanIE School of Architecture & Design Madrid, Spain
“we live in a globalized world where we must rely on international influences, trade, discussion, transactions, etc. But more and more people fear that because of this international influence…we will lose our local values, our local art, and our local customs…Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta tell us that it may be possible to have both. They help us to see, in a most beautiful and poetic way, that the answer to the question is not ‘either/or’ and that we can, at least in architecture, aspire to have both; our roots firmly in place and our arms outstretched to the rest of the world.” _ Pritzker Jury 2017
“Vivimos en un mundo globalizado donde la influencias internacinoales, comercio discusiones, transacciones, etc. Pero mas y mas gente teme que debido a la influencia internacional perdamos nuestros valores locales, arte y tradiciones… Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem y Ramon Vilalta nos dicen que es posible vivir con ambas. Nos ayudan a ver, de la manera mas hermosa y poetica, que la respuesta a la pregunta no es “uno o lo otro” y que podemos al menos en la arquitectura a aspirar a tener ambas, nuestras raises firmemente en su sitio y nuestros brazos estirados al resto del mundo.” _ Jurado del Premio Pritzker 2017
In 2013 Mr. Aranda, Ms. Pigem and Mr. Vilalta founded RCR BUNKA Foundation to support architecture, landscape, arts and culture throughout society. They have been consultant architects to the Natural Park of the Volcanic Zone of La Garrotxa since 1989. Much of their work may be seen throughout Catalonia, Spain and greater Europe. They remain based in Olot. This year, the Pritzker Prize ceremony will take place at the State Guest House, Akasaka Palace in Tokyo, Japan, on May 20, 2017.
Evocando una universalidad desde la localidad, mediante su creativo y extensivo uso de materiales contemporáneos, que incluyen el acero y plástico. “Han demostrado que la unidad de un material puede derivar en una fuerza y una simplicidad increíble” Glenn Murcutt, Presidente del Jurado “La colaboración de estos tres arquitectos produce una arquitectura sin compromisos de un nivel poético, representando un trabajo atemporal que refleja un gran respeto por el pasado a la vez que proyecta claridad del presente y el futuro.”
Entre sus trabajos destacanLa Cuisine Art Center (Nègrepelisse, France, 2014), Soulages Museum in collaboration with G. Trégouët (Rodez, France, 2014), La Lira Theater Public Open Space in collaboration with J. Puigcorbé (Ripoll, Girona, Spain, 2011), Les Cols restaurant marquee (Olot, Girona, Spain, 2011), El Petit Comte Kindergarten in collaboration with J. Puigcorbé (Besalú, Girona, Spain, 2010), Bell-Lloc Winery (Palamós, Girona, Spain, 2007), Sant Antoni – Joan Oliver Library, Senior Citizen’s Center and Cándida Pérez Gardens (Barcelona, Spain, 2007),Tossol-Basil Athletics Track (Olot, Girona, Spain, 2000).
BIOGRAFIARafael Aranda (1961), Carme Pigem (1962) and Ramon Vilalta (1960) Terminaron sus estudios de arquitectura en la Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès, or ETSAV en 1987, y al año siguiente fundaron su estudio, RCR Arquitectes, en su ciudad nativa de Olot en la provincia de Girona en EspañaEn 1988 ganaron el primer lugar del concurso para diseñar el faro en Punta Aldea, promovido por el ministerio de Fomento donde . Este premio les permitió explorar algunas de las ideas arquitectónicas que definirían su trabajo posterior, iformadas por el sitio y sus propias sensibilidades lo que les llevo a ganar una serie de concursos realizados principalmente en cataluña, recientemente han abierto sus fronteras más a otros países Europeos.Han participado en exposiciones internacionales como el III Salon International de l’Architecture in Paris in 1990; la Venice Biennale of Architecture 2000, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2012, 2014 y 2016; MoMA’s On-Site: New Architecture in Spain, New York, 2006; Global Ends at Toto Gallery MA in Tokyo, 2010; and RCR Arquitectes. Shared Creativity en Barcelona, 2015 y el museo ICO Madrid, 2016.Tienen entre sus premios el National Award for Culture in Architecture 2005 granted by the Catalonian government; the French Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, 2008 and 2014; Honorary Fellows of the American Institute of Architecture, 2010; International Fellows of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 2012; and awardees of the Gold Medal by the French Académie d’Architecture, 2015. Since 1989, Aranda, Pigem and Vilalta have served as consultant architects to the Natural Park in the Volcanic Zone of La Garrotxa They have taught urbanism, landscape architecture and design studio at ETSAV from 1989-2001, and individually served as critics for diploma project juries at ETSAV and Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona throughout the past two decades In 2012, they established an international summer workshop at their studio based in the Barberí Laboratory
Su trabajo ha sido publicado en las principales publicaciones periódicas El Croquis, a+u, Casabella, Detail, Bauwelt, Arquitectura Viva, y el libro RCR Aranda Pigem Vilalta Arquitectes Entre la abstracción y la naturaleza, de william JR Curtis publicado por Gustavo Gili (2004).
En 2013 establecieron la fundación RCR BUNKA para apoyar la arquitectura, el paisajista el arte y la cultura en la sociedad.
El acta del jurado completa:Jury Citation Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta, three architects who have worked closely together for almost 30 years in a deliberate and thoughtful approach to architecture are recognized with
the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize Their works admirably and poetically ful ll the traditional requirements of architecture for physical and spatial beauty along with function and craftsmanship, but what sets them apart is their approach that creates buildings and places that are both local and universal at the same time They established their of ce, called RCR for their three rst names, in Olot, their hometown in the Catalonian region in the northeast of Spain, resisting the call of the metropolis in favor of remaining closely connected to their roots The process they have developed is a true collaboration in which neither a part nor whole of a project can be attributed to one partner Their creative approach is a constant intermingling of ideas and continuous dialogue All their works have a strong sense of place and are powerfully connected to the surrounding landscape This connection comes from understanding – history, the natural topography, customs and cultures, among other things – and observing and experiencing light, shade, colors and the seasons The siting of buildings, the choice of materials and the geometries used are always intended to highlight the natural conditions and pull them into the building The Bell-Lloc Winery (2007), in the town of Palamós, near Girona, Spain, for example, a building embedded in the ground, is about the soil that produces the grapes, the cool dark cellars needed for the aging of wine and the color and weight of the earth The extensive use of recycled steel fuses the building with the earth and the openings between the steel slats allow in hints of light The marquee (2011) creating an outdoor dining and event space at Les Cols Restaurant in Olot is another example of the fusion of landscape and minimal modern materials to create a useful and popular venue Some have said that they are reminded of places for countryside meals with family and friends The space ts into a valley carved out in the landscape by the architects Strong walls of volcanic stone support a light weight and transparent polymer roof to protect against rain and sun The furniture and vertical hanging blinds that can sub-divide the space are also of clear plastic, which puts the emphasis on food, festivities and the natural setting In other works, such as their own of ce (2007), a former foundry built at the beginning of the
20th century, the juxtaposition of past and present is undertaken in a most thoughtful, clear and respectful way Just as exterior and interior are closely intertwined in their works, so are new and old All of the original industrial building that could remain, was left “as is” By adding new elements only where needed and in contrasting materials, the architects demonstrate their love for both tradition and innovation The resulting building, which they call Barberí Laboratory, is comprised of varied, exible and highly functional spaces While Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta have a deep sense and knowledge of history, they use materials and modern construction to create spaces that could not have been created before Community is another word that comes to mind when speaking of the work of Aranda, Pigem and Vilalta Both in the bright and colorful nursery school in Besalú, Girona, El Petit Comte Kindergarten (2010) and the Sant Antoni – Joan Oliver Library, Senior Citizens Center and Cándida Pérez Gardens in Barcelona (2007), those who will inhabit the buildings are at the forefront of their concerns It is obvious when seeing the rainbow colors of the tubes that de ne the exterior of the school that this is for children’s enjoyment, creativity, and fantasy The library, a commission won through a competition, as are many of RCR’s projects, is situated within the fabric of an existing city block, is a needed amenity in this busy part of Barcelona Visitors are welcomed into the library The richness and variety of spaces invite exploration and are casual enough to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere The library also acts as a gateway to an interior courtyard The senior citizens center looks onto this space where children, library goers, neighbors and seniors can mingle.
The architects have also tackled important works outside their home in Catalonia They have built in Belgium and France The Soulages Museum (2014) in Rodez, France, for example, houses the works of the abstract painter Pierre Soulages and forms a symbiosis with the artist, who seems to paint with light This building of steel and strong geometric shapes cantilevers over the site, seeming to defy gravity and like many of their other works is in dialogue with the landscape The architects have sought to create “a space that is as close to nature as possible, enhancing our sense that we are part of it ” In this day and age, there is an important question that people all over the world are asking, and it is not just about architecture; it is about law, politics, and government as well We live in a globalized world where we must rely on international in uences, trade, discussion, transactions, etc But more and more people fear that, because of this international in uence, we will lose our local values, our local art, and our local customs They are concerned and sometimes frightened Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta tell us that it may be possible to have both They help us to see, in a most beautiful and poetic way, that the answer to the question is not ‘either/or’ and that we can, at least in architecture, aspire to have both; our roots rmly in place and our arms outstretched to the rest of the world And that is such a wonderfully reassuring answer, particularly if it applies in other areas of modern human life as well Each building designed by these architects is special and is uncompromisingly of its time and place Their works are always the fruit of true collaboration and at the service of the community They understand that architecture and its surroundings are intimately intertwined and know that the choice of materials and the craft of building are powerful tools for creating lasting and meaningful spaces For these reasons, exempli ed in all their built work, and for their ability to express the local, but also the universal, uniting us with one another through architecture, Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta are awarded the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize