1st European Conference on Architecture & the Media

Captura de pantalla 2018 04 10 a las 18 44 28

The 1st European Conference on Architecture & the Media.

The event is organized by the Mies van der Rohe Foundation and I am in charge of the event as curator, together with Ewa P. Porębska. The conference is addressed to journalists, heads of cultural institutions, architects, … all interested in the dynamics of the diffusion of architecture as a culture in the media and which different tools are used in architecture now a days, like different software or architectural cgi models for designing different type of buildings.

What makes architecture attractive to the media?

Why is it a challenge for architecture to gain visibility in the cultural section of a newspaper?

What presence does it have in other sections such as politics and economics?

How significant is the role of the media to make architecture understood and appreciated by a wider audience?

The event that will feature debates, round tables, workshop and networking will take place on May 14 and 15 at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion.
