El hormigon transparente que «invento» oma, ya no es ninguna novedad, esta bastante visto, pero esta gente ha llevado la idea mas alla, en algo realmente interesante, se trata del primer display de hormigon, trabaja con el mismo principio de embutir fibra optica en el hormigon. Me pregunto que uso puede tener?? deja un comentario sugiriendo usos practicos….
gracias chema!!!
The translucent concrete, made famous by oma, is not such a novelty, been there done that… but this people has taken the same principle a step further, into something really interesting. It is a way of using such characteristic to make a concrete wall to work as a display. With the same principle as emmbeding fiber optics within the concrete. I wonder which practical uses might have? leave a suggestion.
Asi a botepronto seria un buen sustitutivo de la aglomeracion de indicadores que prolifera en lugares grandes como aeropuertos o centros comerciales. Es perfecto para indicar señales de emergencia ante fuego ya que si se ve en el suelo no hay problema con el humo.
A la publicidad ya se les ocurrira el restod e usos.
Jay Jun
Nice idea, I'm going to steal it.
Perhaps closer to everyday use is to increase programmability of spaces with activities dependant on visual markers.
Sports for instance. A high school gymnasium can effortlessly be reconfigured daily to optimise extra-curriculur syllabus; netball, basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, badminton etc. Any multifunction space with high but varied usage.
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