las 25 mejores ciudades de Monocle

Issue 25 - July 2009
Como ya es tradición en ésta época del año, mi revista favorita (Monocle) publica su lista de las 25 ciudades mas «vivibles», un í­ndice que a pesar de sólo contar con 3 ediciones se ha solidificado como uno de los más referenciados e interesantes, y es que Tyler Brí»lé y su equipo tienen un ojo increible, y los baremos que usan para calificar las ciudades son de lo más accesibles.

Denominado el «Monocle metrics test» que toma en cuenta factores tan tradicionales como el número de habitantes, indice de criminalidad, infraestructura de transporte público y otros menos comunes como «qué tan fácil es comenzar un negocio», tolerancia o arquitectura, el «chain test» cuenta cuántos Zara y Starbucks tiene la ciudad.

Este año, Zurich(1) desbancó a Copenhagen(2) en el primer puesto, en América sólo Vancouver(14) y Montréal(19) se hicieron hueco en la lista, En iberia repiten Madrid(12), Barcelona(15) y Lisboa (25). [La lista completa después del sigue leyendo, lamentablemente el articulo completo sólo lo puedes leer si eres subscriptor de Monocle]

Issue 25 [Monocle]

01 Zurich

Zürich leaps into the winning spot with its extraordinary urban plans.

02 Copenhagen

Our 2008 winner is pipped at the post but is a city we still admire Metropolitan life coupled with intimacy, Scandinavian welfare, low crime rates and a relaxed atmosphere – an ideal combination, right?

03 Tokyo

Tokyo runs like clockwork and its service culture beats any competition

Getting interactive

Increasingly, how cities are run is evolving to include grass roots organisations – particularly when elected officials fail in their civic mission.

04 Munich

Our 2007 winner slips as others up their game.

05 Helsinki

Defying its small size, Helsinki continues to advance eastwards

06 Stockholm

Living in the European Green Capital of 2010 has its major plus points

07 Vienna

A city with big ambitions, Vienna has high hopes for its hub status.

08 Paris

If Paris improves its suburbs, it’s on its way to offering the full package.

09 Melbourne

Melbourne holds its position but must do more about its urban sprawl.

10 Berlin

Berlin is the home of start-ups. Shame it’s not more connected.

11 Honolulu

Honolulu is more than a pretty face, and is our top (and only) US city.

We can make it

City halls need a new focus on helping small businesses.

12 Madrid

Its strength is its adaptability, which is why Madrid’s risen up the ranks.

13 Sydney

Progress is a little unforthcoming but the Sydney lifestyle is enviable.

14 Vancouver

Canada’s sharp-looking outpost gets ready to take its Olympic bow.

15 Barcelona

So far, changes have been cosmetic and the routine is getting tired.

16 Fukuoka

Fukuoka edges ahead because of its great connections and easy living.

17 Oslo

Oslo bursts in this year thanks to the wise use of its oil wealth.

18 Singapore

Singapore is adding a softer side to its reputation as a business city.

20 Auckland

Re-formed Auckland re-enters our Top 25 after a year’s absence.

19 Montreal

Quality of life is uneven in Montréal but its liberalism is admirable.

21 Amsterdam

Amsterdam is green-thinking but may be a bit too relaxed.

22 Kyoto

Kyoto has a sense of its own identity and a commitment to craftsmanship.

23 Hamburg

Hamburg’s economic and educational reforms get top marks.

24 Geneva

Geneva lacks the oomph of a big city but that’s also its beauty.

25 Lisbon

Lisbon comes last but we’re looking forward to seeing how plans develop.