Wang Shu Premio Pritzker 2012


El ganador del premio pritzker 2012 es el arquitecto chino Wang Shu, el arquitecto de 48 años basado en Hangzhou, según nos ha sido anunciado oficialmente por la organización de los premios pritzker hace unos minutos. El premio se otorgará en Beijing el día 25 de Mayo.

Practicamente toda su obra construida en China, con su socia y esposa fundó su oficina «Amateur Architecture Studio» en 1997, en el año 2000 terminó su primer proyecto grande: la Biblioteca de Wenzheng College en la universidad de Suzhou, que recibiría el premio de la Arquitectura y las Artes de China en 2004.

Sus otros proyectos mayores, todos construidos en China incluyen:  Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum(2005), Ningbo History Museum (2008), Xiangshan Campus of the

China Academy of Art (2004-2007), Vertical Courtyard Apartments Hangzhou (2008), Exhibition Hall of the Imperial Street of Southern Song Dynasty (2009).

Es director del departamento de arquitectura de la Academia China del Arte en Hangzhou, y desde el año pasado enseña en la silla Kenzo Tange en la Harvard Graduate School of Design. este texto fué robado de

Wang obtuvo su titulo de arquito en el Nanjing Institute of Technology en 1985, tres años más tarde una maestría en la misma escuela. Al graduarse trabajó en la Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou investigando el medioambiente y la arquitectura en relación con la renovación de edificios antiguos. Un año después trabaja en su primer proyecto, un centro de juventud de 3600 m2 en el pueblo de Haining, completado en 1990.


En el acta el jurado ha hecho notar:

«El hecho de que un arquitecto de China ha sido seleccionado por el jurado, representa un paso significativo en el reconocimiento del papel que China va a desempeñar en el desarrollo de los ideales de la arquitectura. Además, en las próximas décadas el éxito de China en la urbanización será importante para China y para el mundo. Esta urbanización, como la urbanización de todo el mundo, tiene que estar en armonía con las necesidades locales y la cultura. Oportunidades sin precedentes de China para la planificación urbana y el diseño tendrá que estar en armonía con sus dos largas tradiciones y la única del pasado y con sus necesidades futuras para el desarrollo sostenible. «

El presidente del Premio pritzker Lord Palumno, dijo:

«La cuestión de la relación adecuada de presente al pasado es particularmente oportuno, por el reciente proceso de urbanización en Chinainvita al debate sobre si la arquitectura debe estar anclada en la tradición odebe mirar sólo hacia el futuro. Como sucede con cualquier gran arquitectura, el trabajo de Wang Shu s es capaz de trascender el debate, la producción de una arquitectura que es intemporal, profundamente arraigado en su contexto y universal todavía. «


Museo de historia de Ningbo


College Building in Hangzhou

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Fact Summary


November 4, 1963 in Urumqi, Xinjiang Province The People’s Republic of China


Nanjing Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture Bachelor of Science Degree in 1985
Masters Degree in 1988

Tongji University 1995-2000 Ph.D., School of Architecture



Youth Center
Haining, The People’s Republic of China


International Gallery of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China
(completed and demolished)

Underground entrances of Fengqiao

(completed and demolished)

Artist Sharon in Gushan Hill

(completed and demolished)


Gallery with a View
Shanghai, The People’s Republic of China
(completed and demolished)

Library of Wenzheng College, Suzhou University The People’s Republic of China


Vertical Courtyard Apartments
Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China


Sanhe House
Nanjing, The People’s Republic of China


Teaching Building of Music and Dance Department Dongguan, Guangdong, The People’s Republic of China


Ceramic House
Jinhua, The People’s Republic of China

Five Scattered Houses
Ningbo, The People’s Republic of China


2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize Media Kit

Fact Summary (continued)


Tiled Garden
Venice Biennale of Architecture, Italy


Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum Ningbo, The People’s Republic of China


Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art (Phase I) Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China


Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art (Phase II) Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China


Ningbo History Museum
Ningbo, The People’s Republic of China


Old Town Conservation and Intervention of Zhongshan Street Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China


Exhibition Hall of the Imperial Street of the Southern Song Dynasty Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China

Heyun Culture and Leisure Centers Kunming, The People’s Republic of China (under construction)


Shanghai Expo, Ningbo Tengtou Pavilion Shanghai, The People’s Republic of China

City Cultural Center of Jinghua Jinhua, The People’s Republic of China (under construction)

Ninghai “Shi Li Hong Zhunag” Traditional Dowry Musuem Ninghai, The People’s Republic of China
(under construction)

Contemporary Art Museum on the Dock Zhoushan, The People’s Republic of China (in design phase)


Buddhist Institute Library of Hangzhou Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China (in design phase)


2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize Media Kit

Fact Summary (continued)

Tiles Hill—New Reception Center
Xiangshan Campus, Hangzhou, The People’s Republic of China
(under construction)


China’s First Architecture Arts Award


Holcim Award for Sustainable Construction in the Asia Pacific

for Five Scattered Houses in Ningbo


First Global Award for Sustainable Architecture

Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, France


Nominated for the German based International High Rise Award for the Vertical Courtyard Apartments, Hangzhou

Nominated for the BSI Swiss Architecture Award


Schelling Architecture Prize to Weng Shu and Lu Wenyu
for significant designs, realized buildings or profound contributions to architectural history and theory

Special Mention for the Decay of a Dome exhibit 12th International Architecture Exhibit
Venice, Italy


Gold Medal

from l’Academie d’Architecture of France


1999 2001 2002 2003

2004-2005 2006


Chinese Young Architects Experimental Works, UIA Congress, Beijing, China

Tu Mu Young Architecture of China, AEDES Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China

Synthi-Scapes: Chinese Pavilion of the 50th Venice Biennale, GuangDong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, and in Art Museum of Central Academy, Beijing, China

Alors, La Chine, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France Jinhau Architecture Park, Jinhau, China

Tiled Garden—Chinese Pavilion of the 10th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy

China Contemporary, Netherlands Architectural Institute (NAI), Rotterdam, The Netherlands Built in China—Architecture Exhibition, New York Architecture Center, USA
Hong Kong Biennale of International Architecture


2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize Media Kit

Fact Summary (continued)

  1. 2008 Dans la Ville Chinoise, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Palais de Chaillot, France Chinese Gardens for Living: From Illusion to Reality, Berg Palais, Dresden, Germany

  2. 2009 Exhibition of “Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2007-8-9”, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Palais de Chaillot, France

    “Architecture as Resistance”—solo exhibition, BOZAR Art Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium

    M8 in China, Deutsches Arkitectumuseum (DAM), Frankfurt, Germany

  3. 2010 Decay of a Dome, 12th International Architecture Exhibition, Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy


2012 Washington University, St. Louis, USA
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

“To Build a Diverse World Following the Natural Way,” Le Palais de Chaillot, France, opening speech for the DSA program

2011 “Geometry and Narrative of Natural Form,” Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), USA

University of Texas at Austin, USA

Dallas Architecture Forum, USA

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

“To Listen the Principle of Nature,” University of Pennsylvania, USA

Conference presentation, “Architecture in a Recycled Way,” International Union of Architects (UIA), Japan

Conference presentation, “Insist on Experiments in Real Reality,” UIA, Japan “Asian Vertical Cities” competition and symposium, Singapore

Conference presentation, “A New Architectural Education Facing ‘Natural Objects’” for the International Architectural Education Summit, Madrid/Segovia, Spain

International symposium hosted by National Association of Norwegian Architects, Røros, Norway

“Echo of the Valley,” The University of Tokyo, Japan 2010 “Staring,” Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

“Construction of a Differentiated World,” Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

“Meaning of Time,” Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tübingen, Germany

Lecture—Universität Karlsruhe, Germany

Conference presentation, “Zhongshan Road Experiment—a New Mode for Urban Development,” Architecture Triennial, Oslo, Norway

Conference presentation, “The Way Back to Nature—A New Architectural Education,” Environmental, Urban and Architectural Design Education for a Just World: Teaching and Learning with Global South, hosted by Keio University, Japan


2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize Media Kit

Fact Summary (continued)

2009 “Interior and Exterior Look,” Piran Architecture Conference, Slovenia “Architecture as Resistance,” Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio, Switzerland “Architecture as Resistance,” BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium
“Architecture & Music,” Hong Kong Arts Center

“From Earth to Ceramics—a Live Construction,” Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

2008 Conference presentation, “Heritage Education Symposium, Chinese-French architects, planners and landscape planners,” Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine, Paris, France

“Build a Small World,” Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris, France

“My Works in Urban China—To Reconstruct the Nearness Living Places in Collapsing Cities,” The University of Melbourne, Australia

Center for Architecture, New York, USA

“From Heart to Hand,” Harvard Graduate School of Design, USA

2007 “Architecture•Forum—Contemporary Chinese Architecture Experiments and Introspection,” Vienna, Austria

“A Way back to Nature” and “Between the Architecture and Landscape Education,” L’école nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV), Paris, France

“Construction Oneself,” Chinese University of Hong Kong
2006 “Thinking with Hands,” Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), USA

“Four Modes,” Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

“Shi Li Hong Zhuang Museum, Ninghai, Zhejiang, China,”GA Document 117 (Jun 2011):

18-23. Japan

“Exhibition Hall of the Imperial Street of the Southern Song Dynasty, Hangzhou, Zhejang, China, 2008,” and “Decay of a Dome, Biennale di Venezia 2010”, Lotus International 145 (Mar 2011). Italy

2010 “Vi trenger en naturfilosofi å gå inn i” = We are in need of entering a natural philosophy, Arkitektur N: The Norwegian Review of Architecture 7 (2010):24 Norway

“Ningbo Historic Museum, West of Central Park of Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China,” GA Document 112 (May 2010): 94-109. Japan

“Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art, Xiangshan, Zhuangtang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China,” GA Document 112 (May 2010): 110-131. Japan

“Expo 2010 Shanghai China—Ningbo Tengtou Pavilion, Shanghai Expo UBPA, Shanghai, China,” GA Document 112 (May 2010): 132-143. Japan

“XiangShan Campus, China Academy of Art, XiangShan, Zhuangtang, Hangzhou, China,” Lotus International 141 (Mar 2010): 22-31. Italy

“Zhongshan Road renovation, Hangzhou, China, 2009,” Lotus International 141 (Mar 2010): 106-111.

“The field of vision on section,” Shi dai jian zhu =Time + Architecture (112) (Mar 2010): 80-87. China

Till Wöhler. “Utvrda pod opsadom kritickog regionalizma: Povijesni Muzej Ningbo, Ningbo, Zhejiang, Kina” = A fortress besieged by critical regionalism: Ningbo Historic Museum, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. Oris 12. 61 (2010): 50-61. Slovenia


2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize Media Kit

Fact Summary (continued)
2009 “Wang Shu: a la loupe” = Focus on: Wang Shu [interview]. Architecture d’aujourd’hui 375

(Dec 2009): 53-91. France
“Der Berg,” (Ningbo History Museum)
Bauwelt 100. 37 (Oct 2, 2009): 22-27. Germany

“Il profilo delle colline “ = The outline of the hills [interview]. Abitare 495 (Sep 2009): 64-73. Italy

“Museo de Historia, Ningbo (China)” = History Museum, Ningbo China. AV Monografías 139 (Sep 2009): 124-131. Spain

“La construcción desde la naturaleza” = Natural construction, the traditional Chinese way, Arquitectura: Revista del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM), 357 (2009): 79-87 Spain

“Retrouver les Lois de la Nature dans l ́Architecture” in De l’Enseignement du Paysage en Architecture, (Teaching Landscape with Architecture) Paris: Edition de la Villette, (Feb) 2009. France

“XiangShan Campus, China Academy of Art,” C3 Korea 301 (Sep 2009): 66-81. Korea “The narration and geometry of natural appearance: notes on the design of Ningbo

Historical Museum,” Shi dai jian zhu = Time + Architecture 2 (107) (May 2009): 66-79. China Brendan McGetrick. “Ningbo Historic Museum–design, Wang Shu & Lu Wenyu, Amateur

Architecture Studio,” Domus 922 (Feb 2009): 67-75. Italy
2008 Michael Webb, “Campus calligraphy: China Art Academy, Hangzhou,” Architectural

Review 224. 1337 (Jul 2008): 54-[57]. United Kingdom
Bert Muynk, “A small world,”
Domus 914 (May 2008): 56-65. Italy

“Phase II of Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Arts,” Shi dai jian zhu = Time + Architecture 3 (101) (May 2008): 72-85. China

“Interviews with Peter Litzbauer and Peter Tagiury on the Phase II of Xiagshan Campus,” Shi dai jian zhu = Time + Architecture 3 (101) (May 2008): 86-89. China

“Tree-Stone” Forum: on the Phase II of Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art,” Shi dai jian zhu = Time + Architecture 3 (101) (May 2008): 90-91. China

“Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art,” Architecture Journal, China

“Construction Diaries,” Architecture Journal, China
2007 “To Build a Garden and Educate a Person,” Architects, China

“Between Viewing and Doing,” Building Review, Hong Kong, China
2006 “The Possibility of Chinese Style Dwelling Building,” Shi dai jian zhu = Time +

Architecture. China
“We recognize: notes on the design of [the] Ningbo Museum of Art,”
Shi dai jian zhu =

Time + Architecture 5 (91) (Sep 2006): 84-95. China “Building or City”, New Design, China

“The Reconstruction of Huge Urban Buildings and Local Urban Structure—Notes for the Creation of Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum,” New Design, China.

“Notes for the Creation of Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art”, New Design, China 2005 “One Day,” Shi dai jian zhu = Time + Architecture, China

“The Design of Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum,” Architecture Journal, China “The Design of Xiangshan Campus, China Academy of Art,” World Architecture, China


2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize Media Kit

Fact Summary (continued)

2004 “Small Models,” Overflew Cities, China “Record the Tongji Changes,” China

2003 “Heading to the Illusion City,” Shi dai jian zhu = Time + Architecture, China 2002 “Bibliothek des Wenzheng-College in Suzhou,” Bauwelt 92. 35 (Sep 14, 2001):

22-24. Germany
The Beginning of Design, China

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