Grafton Architecture Comisarias Bienal de Venecia 2018



Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara de Grafton Architects, han sido nombradas como las comisarias de la próxima edición de la Bienal de Venecia en su edicion número 16 en verano del 2018.

Las arquitectas irlandesas, afincadas en Dublin llevan trabajando juntas desde 1977 cuando se graduaron del University College. Participantes asiduas de la propia bienal, tienen en su haber un León de oro de la edición 2012 con el ya famoso edificio de UTEC de la universidad de Lima, el cual recientemente gano el premio al mejor edificio del mundo.


“The Exhibition curated by Alejandro Aravena offered visitors a critical overview of the worldwide evolution of architecture and underlined how important it is that a qualified demand on the part of individuals and communities be met by an equally effective response, thereby confirming that architecture is one of civil society’s instruments for organizing the space in which it lives and works.

Along these lines, Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara will continue to address the same theme but from the point of view of the quality of the public and private space, of urban space, of the territory and of the landscape as the main ends of architecture. The curators, who are well-known for the refinement of their work, are also known for their intense didactic activity and their ability to involve and fascinate new generations.” _Paolo Baratta, Presidente de la Bienal de Venecia.